Refrigerator Usage


The fridge uses 12vdc/propane or 12vdc/120vac when plugged in or the generator is on. The on/off button controls the fridge. The Gas button forces it to use gas only when it’s pressed in.  When it is not pressed in the fridge automatically uses as a first choice, 120vac, if available, or propane gas as a secondary choice. The auto light indicates when the fridge is in this mode. The check light indicator shows there is an error. Usually, these are temporary and can be cleared immediately.  They usually happen when switching, often in quick succession between propane and electric service. To clear a check light, simply press the on/off button to turn off the fridge. Leave it off for 20 seconds or more.  Turn it back on and the auto light should then light with no check light.

It’s always a good idea to carry one or two bags of ice in the fridge to prevent food spoilage if you run out of propane, are not plugged in and you’re not running the generator because, with this combination, you will have no running fridge.

The fridge controls have been upgraded to include a digital thermometer for the freezer as well as the fridge area.  You can be certain that all your food is safe knowing the temperatures are where they should be. The left side digital display is the freezer temperature which ranges around 5 or so and the right is the fridge temperature which ranges around 37 to 43 or so. The picture above shows high temperatures because it was taken when the fridge has been off and it was hot in the RV!

Should you notice that the check light is on, you can usually reset it by turning the fridge off and then back on.  If it still has a check LED, then service is required.

A good & detailed look at how to operate the fridge: