Leveling Rover 101
Leveling Rover is very easy. First, you eyeball the site and pick the flattest & most level area to stop. Get Rover close enough to the electrical and sewer hookups. Be sure there is room for the slide-outs and the awning. Then you are ready to begin leveling if needed. I say if needed, because if it is level “enough” then that’s good “enough”.
So, here’s how to tell. Look at the level bubbles on the floor next to the driver’s seat. If the bubbles are mostly in the center, that is good enough for Rover. If you walk around inside and feel steady and not being forced to walk to one side or to the front or back, then it is also level “enough” for you. In this case, it is level.
In case you are wondering why: the slide-outs must be level in order to properly work or the gears will strip. The refrigerator must be level in order for the internal gases to be distributed properly or damage to the compressor will result.
If it’s not level, first determine if the front to rear bubbles are outside the center, then check to see if the side-to-side bubbles are outside of the center. Depending on what you find, you can add layered support to the low areas.
The support pieces will be added either in front of or in the back of the tires in question. You will determine if you have room to back up two feet or move forward two feet to use the support pieces. For the purposes of the instructions below, I’m going to assume you decided to back up onto the supports each time.
The supports have two levels each. You will back up onto the first level and recheck the bubbles. If more is needed, you will back up to the next level and check the bubbles. It will be rare that any more support is needed unless the site is really bad (you should consider not staying there!).
Here are some guidelines for all the possibilities:
Left low only – place a single support behind the left front and place a double support behind the left rear wheels. Back up onto the first level. Check the bubbles. If needed, back up onto the next level.
Right low. – place a single support behind the right front and place a double support behind the right rear wheels. Back up onto the first level. Check the bubbles. If needed, back up onto the next level.
Front & left low – place a single support behind the left front only. Back up onto the first level. Check the bubbles. If needed, back up onto the next level. If only the left is still low, place a support behind the left rear tires. Back up onto the second level of the front support and the first level of the rear support. Check the bubbles.
Front and right low – place a single support behind the right front only. Back up onto the first level. Check the bubbles. If needed, back up onto the next level. If only right is still low, place a support behind the right rear tires. Back up onto the second level of the rear support and the first level of the front support. Check the bubbles.
Rear and left low – place a single support behind the left rear only. Back up onto the first level. Check the bubbles. If needed, back up onto the next level. If only the left is still low, place a support behind the left front tires. Back up onto the second level of the rear support and the first level of the front support. Check the bubbles.
Rear and right low – place a single support behind the right rear only. Back up onto the first level. Check the bubbles. If needed, back up onto the next level. If only right is still low, place a support behind the front tires. Back up onto the second level of the front support and the first level of the rear support. Check the bubbles.
If this is too much, just give me a call, during daylight hours.